Edge Protector

Edge Protector

As well as robust guard rails, edge protection in the form of kick plates or toe boards must be installed to ensure safe working on high landings, platform floors and open mesh floors.

Edge protection

FlexxCollar is a flexible edge protection for landings, open mesh flooring, stairways and platforms. A polyester, corrosion-resistant and strong kick plate system. The system is fitted to the open mesh floor using clamps so no welding or drilling is required to the floor or guard rails.

FlexxCollar edge protection offers protection against the risk of stumbling or falling and falling objects (rolling, or being knocked or kicked).

When is edge protection mandatory?

If there is a risk that objects can fall from the platform floor or landings, people below should always be protected! Falling objects could include tools, fittings, goods or materials.

Edge protection ensures that nothing can fall from landings or platform floors.

According to Arbobesluit 3.16 (Working Conditions Decree), a kick plate or toe board is mandatory when there is a risk that objects could fall from landings or platform floors.

How high should a kick plate be?

The European standard, NEN-EN 14122 applies to kick plates and toe boards: for permanent landings and platform floors at height, the edge protection must be at least 100 mm high.

Installing kick plates
There are various ways to fit kick plates to guard rails or to open mesh or other floors. It is important that the installation method does not weaken the guard rails or the open mesh floor or result in rusting, as is the case with welding or drilling.

The best solution to prevent this, is a clamp connection fitting.

How do you attach edge protection to your landings or open mesh floor?

There are various options to fit toe boards to guard rails, a platform floor or open mesh floor.

Welding kick plates is a labor intensive and hazardous option. This can damage guard rails and result in the metal parts rusting.

Drilling and fitting

This option is better than welding, but also causes weak areas where rust can occur, particularly around the drill holes.

FlexxCollar is a flexible kick plate system that can be used on open mesh flooring, landings, and platforms. A flexible polyester kick plate system that is both strong and corrosion resistant. It can be attached easily to the open mesh floor and requires no drilling or welding.

The FlexxCollar kick plate offers protection against the potential hazards of falling objects and against people stumbling or falling.

Is edge protection always mandatory?

Edge protection is always mandatory on landings or platform floors if there is a danger that objects could fall. This includes fittings, tools and other small or large objects and materials that can fall from landings or can be kicked or knocked.

Kick plates according to the Working Conditions Decree (Arbo)

If there is a danger that people will be struck or hit by falling objects, products or components of these, it is mandatory that you take collective protection measures. For more information, see the Working Conditions Decree.

European standard for edge protection

NEN-EN 14122 is a European standard for collective fall protection that states that edge protection must be at least 100 mm high for permanent platform floors and guard rails.